How to create Samagra ID [SSSM ID] -

If you are a resident of Madhya Pradesh. So today we will tell you in this article with complete information about how you can create a complete ID online. The overall ID Samagra ID is very important for the residents of Madhya Pradesh. If you have not yet created a Samagra ID. So first of all, keep your overall ID of the aggregation ID on its official website. Because without the overall ID, Madhya Pradesh will not take advantage of any government facility and government schemes. If you want to register online for Madhya Pradesh Samagra ID Samagra ID. So you can do it with the help of the article written below.

SSSM ID Download

Samagra ID is so important for you because if you have to apply for MP BPL Ration Card. So at that time, you have compulsory Madhya Pradesh Samagra ID. Without the overall ID, you will be unable to apply online for Madhya Pradesh Ration. Taking care of the convenience of all the citizens of the state by the Government of Madhya Pradesh. Information about various types of films and government schemes has been provided on this online Samagra portal. Which you can take advantage of. Now we will indicate to you that if you want to create an SSSM ID, then what documents you will need.

SSSM ID - required documents

  1. 10th mark sheet
  2. Aadhar Card
  3. Voter ID Card
  4. Ration card
  5. Pan Card
  6. Official identity card
  7. Identity Card issued by Public Sector Unit
  8. Disability certificate issued by the Medical Board
  9. Passport
  10. driving license
Under this mission, the database of all the citizens of the state has been completely prepared by the state government of Madhya Pradesh. Not only this, but all the families are also being developed by going home. Information of all family members has been registered on the Samagra portal.

After successful registration, all families will be provided with an eight-digit unique composite ID and all members will be provided with a nine-digit unique composite ID. After which you can visit the Samagra portal and take advantage of all the government schemes and services of the Madhya Pradesh government.

Urban: - Search for colony / ward - SSSM ID

  1. अपना वार्ड (कालोनी) जाने
  2. वार्ड के अंतर्गत कालोनी की सूची देखें
  3. ग्राम पंचायत के अंतर्गत ग्राम/वार्ड की सूची देखें
  4. नवीन/अस्थाई पंजीक्रत सदस्य
  5. नवीन/अस्थाई पंजीक्रत परिवार
  6. अस्थाई परिवार आई डी से
  7. अस्थाई परिवार सदस्य आईडी से
  8. मोबाइल नंबर से
I hope, All the Information will help you. Share this article with your friends on Facebook, WhatsApp Web, etc. 
